RFC: naming of the 'record' command in the loom plugin

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at tiscalinet.it
Tue Feb 26 18:44:34 GMT 2008

On Monday 25 February 2008, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> I honestly haven't used it a lot, so I'm not sure what commands are used all 
> time (shelve/unshelve) versus infrequently (shelf list, shelf delete).
> Looking at the list of commands in "bzr help loom" it breaks down into:
> ~  loomify
> ~  record
> ~  create-thread
> ~  down-thread
> ~  up-thread
> ~  combine-thread
> ~  revert-loom
> ~  show-loom
> record actually seems the odd-man-out in this case. And "commit-loom" seems 
> be a closer match. Since all the other commands have either 'thread' 
or 'loom'
> in their names.

In my opinion, I think that we have two choises:
1) commands prefixed by loom, or separated by an hypen like
   * bzr loom createthread
   * bzr loom-create-thread

That can be useful during the initial develop phase in order to better 
highlight the plugin.

2) a short form like:
   * bzr lcreate
   * bzr lup
That is more conformatble during the day by day work. 

BTW mercurial uses a sismilar scheme for "mq" (qinit, qdiff....)

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