[MERGE] Minor wording changes in User Guide

Neil Martinsen-Burrell n.martinsen-burrell at wartburg.edu
Sun Feb 24 19:44:32 GMT 2008

James Westby <jw+debian <at> jameswestby.net> writes:

> I don't think we need the line break before mainline.

I don't think I inserted a line break.  That part of the reST document is all on
one long line.

> Also could you tell us why you don't want to mention PQM there? Would
> it be better if there was also a footnote to point to a page explaining
> what PQM is?

PQM is mentioned later in the paragraph.  This is parallel to the previous
section, where Bundle Buggy is mentioned after describing the workflow as a
companion tool to bzr that is helpful in such workflows.  I think that expaining
the workflow in a tool-agnostic way is valuable, then following that up with a
reference.  If we *do* want to mention PQM parenthetically in describing the
workflow, we should do so in more useful detail than just "(e.g. PQM)".



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