[Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] bzr-fastimport plugin, yet another Bazaar import option]

Michael Haggerty mhagger at alum.mit.edu
Fri Feb 22 13:14:58 GMT 2008

Pierre Habouzit wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 07:32:28AM +0000, Shawn O. Pearce wrote:
>> Michael Haggerty of cvs2svn has spent a good amount of time creating
>> a git-fast-import backend to cvs2svn.  Given that cvs2svn is one of
>> the few tools that can read some of the really strange real world
>> CVS trees its good to be able to leverage that work for other systems
>> (SVN, Git, and now Bazaar).
>   /me opens bigs ears and eyes: does this mean that we have an
> incremental importer of CVS based on git-fast-import ?

cvs2svn is robust and uses git-fast-import, but it is *not* incremental.
 Incremental conversion would be fun but it would be a lot of work to
implement in such a way that it works reliably.


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