[Fwd: [ANNOUNCE] bzr-fastimport plugin, yet another Bazaar import option]

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Fri Feb 22 00:25:30 GMT 2008


FYI. I thought you'd be interested in this as it's inspired by and based
on git-fast-import. You can download the Python source from
https://code.launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport/. In particular, there's a
Python parser of the stream format included that may be useful to the
Git community or other VCS communities. The fast-import-info and
fast-import-filter commands might also be useful to others.

BTW, you might want to either extend the specification (a little) or fix
git-fast-export so they match. :-) See doc/notes.txt under
http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-fastimport/fastimport.dev/files for
details. For example, running git-fast-export on 64-bit Hardy Heron
produces file modes longer than permitted if the spec was strictly

Looking forward, I'd probably like to extend the spec to support some
Bazaar-specific features, e.g. versioning of directories without files
inside them. If you have a preferred way of me doing this or would like
to work on it together when that time comes, please let me know. To keep
backwards compatibility, the first option that springs to mind is using
specially marked comments for stuff like this, e.g.

##bzr:: blah blah blah

But I'm sure there are numerous better ways. :-)

Finally, thanks for writing git-fast-import and the associated
documentation. It's well done. If you have any thoughts on the various
front-ends available, I'm interested in hearing them. As well as saving
me time vs testing lots of them, your thoughts will give us things to
keep in mind when developing bzr-fastexport soon.

Ian C.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] bzr-fastimport plugin, yet another Bazaar import option
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 01:23:34 +1000
From: Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net>
To: Bazaar <bazaar at lists.canonical.com>, bazaar-announce at lists.canonical.com

I'm pleased to announce bzr-fastimport, a plugin useful for loading data
exported by a large number of foreign VCS tools. Places to start are:

* the Launchpad page - https://launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport
* the Wiki page - http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrFastImport.

Please note that this is not yet production quality but seems to be
working well enough to be useful for a large number of projects.

I would *greatly* appreciate testing, feedback and improvements. In
particular, I'm using this for migrating the OpenOffice.org repository
(76K files and 500K revisions) into Bazaar from Subversion, so I'd
really like some help with testing out and enhancing the existing
Subversion front-ends.

Ian C.

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