where should I document plugin api's?

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Tue Feb 19 07:16:38 GMT 2008

On 19/02/2008, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> Where should I document the new stuff I proposed that Jeff has already
> used, for declaring facilities offered in plugins?


Martin Albisetti may already be going to create such a file.

don't forget to mention it in the index

I think the indexing for developer documentation should be better, and
more reachable from the overall top level directory.

regarding the previous thread, maybe we should reorganize:

- move the developer directory into doc/en, even if we don't generally
expect it will all be updated
- rename hacking into a more regular place

You don't have to do all this now if you just want to put a note about
this particular thing.


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