[MERGE] external_references repository patch.

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Tue Feb 19 06:55:44 GMT 2008

Martin Pool has voted tweak.
Status is now: Conditionally approved
+    def do(self, path):
+        """try to find a repository from path upwards

pep8: Needs a capital and period, similarly for other methods.

+        :return: norepository or ok, relpath.
+        """
+        try:
+            path, rich_root, tree_ref, external_lookup = 
+            return SuccessfulSmartServerResponse(
+                ('ok', path, rich_root, tree_ref, external_lookup))

The return doc is not consistent with the actual return code; similarly 
for the other method.

-    'BzrDir.find_repository', 'bzrlib.smart.bzrdir', 
+    'BzrDir.find_repository', 'bzrlib.smart.bzrdir', 

I think it would be clearer if you did not rename the existing method 
but rather left it corresponding to the one sent across the wire.

I think we agreed on the list previously that we'd document in the code 
when the methods were added, so please do that in the docstring or 

For details, see: 

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