Simplify init-repo

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue Feb 19 01:03:20 GMT 2008

On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 18:53 -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> - knit/dirstate/dirstate-tags don't have a meaningful difference in
>   this case, since the repo format is the same across them all.  And
>   the repo doesn't influence them at all either, so if you init-repo
>   --knit, then init a branch within it, that branch will be
>   dirstate-tags with current versions (or do it the other way around
>   with init-repo --dirstate-tags on versions prior to branch6 being
>   default).
> We're using all the same args for init and init-repo, which saves some
> work certainly, but it leads to weirdness like the above.  That
> entries also show up for deprecated formats is probably a different
> sort of bug.

I agree; this is strongly related to the existing UI bug on format

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