
Sylvain Rouquette srouquette at
Mon Feb 18 22:03:48 GMT 2008

is there some news about TortoiseBzr ?
I saw on that the latest commit was made during august 30th.
I'd like to convert my co-workers to bzr, but I work with developers
and graphists, and they don't want to type command line.
We're using svn with TortoiseSvn, and it's really easy to use.
I know that bzr isn't that hard to use (because I tried it at home),
but the lack of a GUI integrated in Windows shell slow down my
co-workers' conversion  :)
I also tried QBzr, but you still need to enter command line.
Maybe there's another GUI which is easy to use and well integrated ?
Thanks for your answers.
-= Syl =-

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