Bundling more plugins into bzrtools

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 02:26:48 GMT 2008

Wichmann, Mats D wrote:
> Once you have a sensible plugin API, there ought to be
> other ways to fetch the plugins (as in fact you can do
> now, by branching the plugins in your .bazaar/plugins
> directory, but that's not very elegant from an end-user
> point of view).  There are numerous software systems 
> that in fact manage plugins in a user-friendly way, 
> I'm thinking Firefox and Eclipse to start with.
Firefox and eclipse (and openoffice) plugin systems have good points and 
bad.  On the plus side, these systems allow users to download plugins 
without leaving the program's interface.  On the debit side, the plugin 
downloads to a user specific area instead of a system wide area and 
(initially) they are usually designed in such a way that it is hard for 
distros that do want to package them to do so easily.

bzr probably wouldn't suffer from the second lack (seeing as its current 
plugins are packagable) but the first one is difficult to impossible to 
solve on a multiuser system.


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