Bundling more plugins into bzrtools
Toshio Kuratomi
a.badger at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 01:09:46 GMT 2008
James Henstridge wrote:
> On 14/02/2008, Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This piece isn't about finding new versions. It's about packaging
>> separate upstream projects as opposed to packaging a single upstream
>> project. There is overhead for each package created in a distribution
>> no matter how small the code is. So from a packager's perspective,
>> twenty individual, small upstream plugins is a much larger time
>> commitment than one slightly larger package that contains all of those
>> plugins.
> A lot of the plugins come with distutils setup.py scripts, so should
> be pretty much identical to install. The setup.py event contains some
> of the metadata you'd want for the package.
> Won't it be possible to cargo-cult most of this packaging effort from
> one plugin to the next? Is there anything we could do to improve
> this?
setup.py does help just as making tarballs for releases helps. We have
a template in Fedora for distutils/setuptools using packages so these
things do cut down on how much time we spend reinventing the wheel but
it is still much more effort for a packager to package twenty packages
rather one.
There is the one-time cost of writing suitable descriptions for each of
those packages, checking them for errors, sending them through our
review process, doing the initial import and build. Then there is the
recurring cost of rebuilding them whenever a distro-wide event requires
it. For instance, when we switched from python-2.4 to python-2.5 we had
to rebuild all of our packages. The packager would have to kick off a
rebuild for each package in this situation instead of just one. Another
rebuild example (worse because it required patching the package spec
files) came when bzr started including compilable modules for speed.
Since Fedora is a multilib distro, all the plugin packages had to be
switched to storing their files in /usr/lib64/[...]/bzrlib on x86_64
instead of /usr/lib/[...]/bzrlib.
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