more stacking

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Feb 14 00:17:55 GMT 2008

I mentioned in my last mail about stacking that I thought it was a good
idea to avoid having a decorator for stacking repositories.

However, bringing up the support for stacking,
RemoteBranch/RemoteRepository raise all sorts of firewalling and access
issues. At first glance it may be easier to ensure that the public
Repository api is stackable. However this is actually very complex,
because it means exposing the internal delta logic of every repository
format, and essentially driving that externally. I think this is very

So I'm thinking about remote repository doing any needed access itself,
which gives the following corollaries:
 - initially only unauthenticated stacked locations will work 
 - outbound firewalls on the bzr+ssh server will cause grief.


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