How to record "cherrypicks" and "blocking revisions"

Robert Widhopf-Fenk hack at
Wed Feb 13 21:52:48 GMT 2008


as I could not find any infos on this in the Wiki I like to
discuss this here.

The question is, how do I best track which revisions I have
cherrypicked and which revisions I have blocked/rejected for

When I have a branch from which I just want to merge some
revisions, but not all, then I can use cherrypicks and
hopefully they will be recored somehow in the future.  

Let's say I have rev 4 to 10 in the other branch but just
want 7.

I merge 4-6 and revert the file changes while keeping and
committing the merge history with -m "Rejecting".  Then
merge 7 and commit it with -m "Cherrypick".  I merge 8-10
and revert the file changes while keeping and committing the
merge history with -m "Rejecting".

This will give me a nice "bzr missing", i.e. no changes are
missing now, but I believe it is not the right thing to do,
especially when also doing crisscross merges?


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