Bzr Developers team?
Jelmer Vernooij
jelmer at
Mon Feb 11 16:28:14 GMT 2008
Am Montag, den 11.02.2008, 11:10 -0500 schrieb Aaron Bentley:
> I'm currently member of the Bazaar Developers team in Launchpad. But
> Bazaar is a project group, and includes many plugins and other bits of
> software that I'm not interested in bug reports for.
> I'm sure there are others who feel the same.
> The actual Bazaar program is the "bzr" project, within the "Bazaar"
> project group, and that's really all I want bug mail about.
> I would like to propose that instead of making "Bazaar developers" the
> maintainer of bzr, we create a new team called "Bzr Developers". Since
> teams can have other teams as members, we can make "Bazaar Developers" a
> member of "Bzr Developers".
> Then I and others like me can members of Bzr Developers, so that we only
> get the bug reports we're interested in.
+1 I'm interested in the overall progress and development of the various
bzr plugins, but receiving an email for every bug change related to them
is a bit too much imo.
Another option would be to have one team per plugin as is already the
case for bzr-gtk, bzr-svn and trac-bzr so people can just pick the
plugins they care about.
Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> -
Jabber: jelmer at
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