Using Bazaar programatically

Gertjan Klein gklein at
Sat Feb 9 09:40:15 GMT 2008

Robert Collins wrote:

>On Sat, 2008-02-09 at 08:22 +0100, Gertjan Klein wrote:
>> As smart_add is a method
>> of the working tree, which has an implied base directory, I am tempted
>> to think this is a bug. Would you agree?
>It is; it only recently got migrated there and obviously we have not
>done as good a job of the migration as might be desired :).

Thanks for confirming that. Would it make sense for me to use the
development version of bazaar (assuming this bug will get fixed)?

I have found other puzzling behaviour. Using almost the same test
program as I posted before (pasted below), I found that I can
programatically add files to a maximum of one subdirectory deep only (so
my response to James Westby was spoken too soon).

Testing is done on a newly versioned directory each time (i.e., I remove
the .bzr directory and run "bzr init" before each test).

If I add a file *one* subdirectory deep, my test prints:

Current directory: C:\dev\bzr\cache
smart_add: result: ([u'ENSEMBLE', u'ENSEMBLE/Documatic.txt'], {})
commit: result: gklein at

If, in the exact same test, I add a file *two* subdirectories deep, I
get the "paths not versioned" traceback:

>Current directory: C:\dev\bzr\cache
>smart_add: result: ([u'ENSEMBLE', u'ENSEMBLE/GJ', u'ENSEMBLE/GJ/Documatic.txt'], {})
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "C:\Temp\", line 22, in <module>
>    test()
>  File "C:\Temp\", line 18, in test
>    res = wtree.commit(message, specific_files=files)
>  File "<string>", line 4, in commit_write_locked
>  File "C:\dev\Python\Python25\Lib\site-packages\bzrlib\", line 246, in commit
>    result = WorkingTree3.commit(self, message, revprops, *args, **kwargs)
>  File "<string>", line 4, in commit_write_locked
>  File "C:\dev\Python\Python25\Lib\site-packages\bzrlib\", line 187, in commit
>    revprops=revprops, *args, **kwargs)
>  File "C:\dev\Python\Python25\Lib\site-packages\bzrlib\", line 315, in commit
>    specific_files, [self.basis_tree, self.work_tree])
>  File "C:\dev\Python\Python25\Lib\site-packages\bzrlib\", line 596, in find_ids_across_trees
>    require_versioned)
>  File "C:\dev\Python\Python25\Lib\site-packages\bzrlib\", line 623, in _find_ids_across_trees
>    raise errors.PathsNotVersionedError(not_versioned)
>bzrlib.errors.PathsNotVersionedError: Path(s) are not versioned: ENSEMBLE\GJ\Documatic.txt

Oddly, the smart_add results indicate that the full path (i.e., both
subdirectories) *are* added. I am, again, tempted to think of this as a
bug. Would you agree?


import os
from bzrlib import workingtree

def test():
    dir = r'C:\dev\bzr\cache'
    print 'Current directory: %s' % os.getcwd()
    # This one works:
    #file = r'ENSEMBLE\Documatic.txt'
    # This one doesn't:
    file = r'ENSEMBLE\GJ\Documatic.txt'
    files = [file]
    message = "Test commit"
    wtree =
    res = wtree.smart_add(files)
    print 'smart_add: result: %s' % str(res)
    res = wtree.commit(message, specific_files=files)
    print 'commit: result: %s' % str(res)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Gertjan Klein <gklein at>

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