[MERGE] Reduce index query pressure for text construction by batching the individual queries into single batch queries.
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Feb 8 21:24:14 GMT 2008
On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 13:06 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Collins wrote:
> | This not-quite-trivial change pushes the index queries made to build
> | texts down into each knit index layer, reducing the number of queries by
> | 2 (method + parents + location -> one query) and also batches all the
> | requested components into a single query rather than
> | one-loop-per-text-being-built, which will help things like 'extract two
> | inventories'.
> |
> | -Rob
> |
> I was planning on doing something just like this for annotate, thanks
> for beating me to it.
> There are 2 small issues still.
> 1) You didn't actually add any tests for _KnitIndex.get_build_details, I
> realize it isn't strictly required since we consider them private
> classes, but it does seem worthwhile to ensure that the api doesn't
> change without notice.
> 2) For annotations, I need the compression parent to build the
> full-texts, but I also need the logical parent to build the annotations.
> Since we are considering splitting the two, would it be possible to have
> 'get_build_details' return both?
> BB:tweak
Aaron ok'd the patch for my on IRC, so I've merged it already; it should
be trivial to tweak it trivially.
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