[MERGE] Set default push location to the parent branch

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Feb 7 22:55:29 GMT 2008

given Andrew's agreement I'm upgrading my comment to a resubmit at
minimum - this needs more thought.

On Fri, 2008-02-08 at 09:50 +1100, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 2008-02-07 at 16:14 +0300, Dmitry Vasiliev wrote:
> > > Very often for my projects I use the following command's sequence:
> > > 
> > > $ bzr pull URL
> > > ... some changes, commits
> > > $ bzr push
> > > 
> > > At the 'bzr push' point I'm almost always forget specify the push URL 
> > > which is the same as the parent URL, I guess mainly because there is 
> > > some reflections with 'svn ci' for me. The attached patch uses the 
> > > parent branch location if no explicit (or saved) location defined.
> > 
> > bb:comment
> > If you have this pattern of working in a single branch, why not use 'bzr
> > checkout' ?
> > 
> > When I make a new branch it always goes somewhere different than the
> > place I branched from, so this default would be at best irritating.
> I second Robert's concern.
> The current behaviour works very well for the workflow of:
>     bzr branch base new-branch
>     cd new-branch
>     ... hack hack hack, commit ...
>     bzr push
> At this point, I've usually already set a push_location (with
> push_location:policy = appendpath) in my locations.conf, so this Just Works.  I
> wouldn't want this behaviour to change.
> If I haven't set a location, then bzr will say so (bzr: ERROR: No push location
> known or specified.), so this first time I need to give bzr push a location, and
> then it'll remember it.  For me, I like this behaviour, as I usually do want to
> specify a new location rather than push back to the location I branched from.
> (If I wanted to simply push back to the parent location, and it was writable, I
> probably would have just done my hacking there in the first place...)
> Still, if this is a common workflow for you, it'd be good to find a way to make
> it easier for you without compromising the common “make lots of feature
> branches” approach.  Perhaps we could teach "bzr push" to recognise some
> revisionspecs, so that you could do "bzr push submit:".  Or provide a way for
> you to configure your locations.conf so that like for me, it automatically does
> what you want most of the time.
> -Andrew.
GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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