[merge][rfc] don't re-run tests in LANG=C from 'make check'?
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Feb 7 07:57:34 GMT 2008
>>>>> "martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net> writes:
martin> === modified file 'Makefile'
martin> --- Makefile 2007-12-17 01:45:32 +0000
martin> +++ Makefile 2008-02-07 05:29:54 +0000
martin> @@ -32,8 +32,6 @@
martin> check: docs extensions
martin> $(PYTHON) -Werror -O ./bzr selftest -1v $(tests)
martin> - @echo "Running all tests with no locale."
martin> - LC_CTYPE= LANG=C LC_ALL= ./bzr selftest -1v $(tests) 2>&1 |
martin> sed -e 's/^/[ascii] /'
martin> The second test roughly doubles the pqm merge time
martin> because of running the test suite twice.
It also doubles the tests done isn't ?
martin> (Not quite double, because the compilation and the
martin> merge itself is done only once.)
This is quite negligible in my experience.
martin> I think this is unnecessary and should be removed:
martin> the majority of tests are not particularly dependent
martin> on the locale.
We have had more than a few bug reports regarding locale related
problems though.
martin> When there is something unicode-dependent, we should
martin> be trying to test it in a way that does not depend on
martin> the tester's locale
Parametrize the test for a set of various locales ? Each
developer will have to install the appropriate packages... :-/
martin> - I would say if this ever fails, we should add a new
martin> test that is specific to that bug.
We do that don't we ? ;)
martin> In a way we might as well have all the coverage we
martin> can get, but the pqm run time does slow things down,
martin> particularly at a release.
Another way to address that will be to provide a way to tell pqm:
"Trust me, I've run /these/ tests" by some signature (produced by
selftest itself for the revid asking to be merged). Pqm could
then run only the missing tests.
Just an idea but may be worth discussing.
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