[MERGE][RFC] Enhanced hooks

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Tue Feb 5 01:02:07 GMT 2008

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

> I think the syntax in the configuration file is a bit complex. Git and
> mercurial simply allow::
> 	[hooks]
> 	pre-commit = foo.sh
> 	post-commit = bar.sh
> Using a separate section per hook seems overkill to me.

> Also, there are now two word separator characters used, '_' and ' '.
> It would be nice if the character used could be consistent, e.g.::
> 	[pre-commit-hooks]
> 	foo=foo.sh

I'm fine with [pre-commit-hooks] instead of [pre_commit hooks].

It's true that

  foo = foo.sh
  bar = bar.sh

is slightly more complex that the Hg approach. But I prefer it because
its good practice to label hooks anyway and it scales nicer for multiple

Ian C.

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