[MERGE] Change the smart server get_parents method to take a graph search to exclude already recieved parents from. This prevents history shortcuts causing huge numbers of duplicates.

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Feb 5 00:25:04 GMT 2008

On Mon, 2008-02-04 at 12:44 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I feel like gzip should be done at a higher level, since HTTP
> supports 
> transfer encodings and by default ssh also compresses the traffic.
> I've 
> certainly considered doing it in the protocol level, but after
> thinking 
> about it, it seems a bit better to do it elsewhere.
> Also, if we are going to gzip, I would guess that bzip2 would be a 
> better tradeoff for network requests.

I think you're wrong about where to compress :).

Different content we generate is compressed or not depending on where we
obtain it from. HTTP /may/ compress but for performance we /require/
compression. As for bzip2 - sure, but I didn't want to add a dependency
that I didn't know if Windows has trivially available, and we already
have a tried and tuned gzip implementation.

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