[RFC] bzr.dev should be tagged

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Feb 1 19:15:49 GMT 2008

Marius Kruger wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it would be great if bzr.dev can get tagged as part of the 
> release process.
> (I assume that the release branch should be tagged, and that merging 
> that back into bzr.dev, will copy the tags there)
> This will be useful if you want to tell some user if/when a revision has 
> been released.
> And bzr.dev can dogfood its own tags:)
> regards
> marius

I believe Aaron has been keeping a list of tags, we probably just need 
to get that merged into bzr.dev itself.

We weren't doing it for a while because we were leaving the branch in an 
older form for compatibility with older clients. But now that we are 
officially a pack repository, there shouldn't be a problem.


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