(rfc) recommend installing a plugin when needed

Martin Albisetti argentina at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 04:18:53 GMT 2008

On Jan 30, 2008 1:54 AM, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> This point here is how I was envisaging *all* plugin installations would
> happen.
> That is, on a debian based system
> 'bzr add-plugin bzrtools' will:
>  - invoke the bzr deb-plugin
>    which will in turn do apt-get install bzr-bzrtools

Yes, this would be the ideal solution as it would solve the whole
dependency mess on every platform with existing tools.
I do think that the default should be the checkout plugin, and it
would get overridden if a platform-specific plugin is present.
This way we can make sure there is a default way always available to
install and update plugins.

> > Would be add the plugins information to the XML manually or would we
> > require plugins export the information needed somehow?
> setup.py in a plugin should provide all the metadata - the python
> packages index considers this a solved problem.

This solution I actually love  :)
Guillermo pointed me to Launchpad's RDF files for projects as a
possible source, but it seems a bit incomplete/overkill (although

I'm working on getting a proof-of-concept branch together, I hope to
upload it in the following days.

Thanks for the input.


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