correcting old log messages

Stuart McGraw smcg4191 at
Tue Jan 29 18:16:56 GMT 2008

I have another question about something I do in
CVS now, but don't see a way to do with Bazaar
and that is to change commit (aka log) messages.

Often I will notice, long after the fact, that in
a commit message I made a typo, or the message does
not clearly explain a change, or is just plain wrong.
In CVS, it is easy to simply edit the repository
file(s) to change an old log message.

Is there a way to do this wth Bazaar?  I know I
can uncommit or rollback but I am talking about
correcting messages dozens or more revisions
in the past.  Although I am still working on
understanding how bazaar works, from what I gather
so far, it seems like commit messages are immutable,
but I'm hoping there may be some way (hacks included)
of doing this.  (It drives me nuts to see the
same lame typo's over and over again... :-)

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