[MERGE] ``BZR_LOG=disable`` suppresses writing messages to .bzr.log.

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Jan 29 09:17:17 GMT 2008

Bernhard Voelker пишет:
> why not let the OS decide what to do with it?
> I think
>         _bzr_log_filename = '/dev/null'
> is fully okay - every write to it will be automatically thrown
> away by the kernel.
> With your solution, we'd make '/dev/null' and 'NUL' magic words,
> but from OS side they aren't! They're just character devices handled by 
> a device driver, in this case the sink.

May be you're right. I'll test it on Windows and then bb:resubmit.

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