Mac OS X 1.1 release?

Szilveszter Farkas szilveszter.farkas at
Fri Jan 25 13:53:35 GMT 2008


>    In the OS X 10.4 installer QBzr is in my TODO list, I need to
> install Qt and deps in order to include it,  but adds the bzr-email
> plugin.

the Leopard install doesn't include PyQt and Qt either. There's only a
check for PyQt, and if it's available, QBzr is automatically selected
during install. (Qt and PyQt binaries weigh around 70 MB, so I don't
think it's a good idea to include them in the install.)

>    I'm going to create a Tiger section in the wiki page to list the
> 10.4 plugins, status, etc.

Thank you!


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