[BzrTools][Win32] graph-ancestry needs sax.utils

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Jan 23 15:55:06 GMT 2008

Paul Moore wrote:
> On 23/01/2008, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
>> Bernhard Voelker пишет:
>>> c) at least mentioned as additional requirement for graph-ancestry on
>>> the BzrTools' page?
>> It definitely should, because sax package is not the part of standard
>> Python library, at least for Python 2.5.1.
> I don't believe it is a requirement. You can comment that line out,
> IIRC. There is no coide in the plugin which uses sax.saxutils, just
> the import.
> I reported this some time ago to Aaron, but didn't get a response.
> Maybe he will comment this time?
> Paul.

Probably it used it at one point.

I thought sax was provided with python2.4

and 2.5

I'm guessing it just needs to be done as:

import xml.sax.saxutils

I'm not sure why it would have ever done "sax.saxutils" without the "xml".


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