<-> network api break

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon Jan 21 11:25:36 GMT 2008

On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 20:47 +1100, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> So, I think we should:
>   * create a protocol version 3 that can cope with this situation
> safely, and
>   * teach the client to fallback to methods that don't require sending
> request
>     bodies if the protocol version < 3.

I think that the second point is a bit bogus; the client should try its
best method, with the best protocol version it knows.

It will get one of:
 protocol unknown
 method unknown

If it gets protocol unknown, it has to:
 - drop the session
 - start a new session with a lower protocol version

If it gets method unknown, it has to:
 - if the method was sending a body:
   - check if the protocol handles that cleanly:
     - if not drop the session
 - retry with an older method


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