[grep] bug if `pwd` != `bzr root`

Bernhard Voelker list at bernhard-voelker.de
Sun Jan 20 18:08:35 GMT 2008

Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
>>>>>> "Bernhard" == Bernhard Voelker <list at bernhard-voelker.de> writes:
>     Bernhard> Hi,
>     Bernhard> `bzr grep` only works if the working directory is `bzr root `.
>     Bernhard> The names of all versioned files are passed to `| xargs -0 grep
>     Bernhard> ...` using the relative path to
>     Bernhard> the current checkouts' root directory, but the working directory
>     Bernhard> is not being changed.
> That should be fixed now.
Hi Vincent,

yes, it's working now - thanks for the fix/rework.

BTW: I noticed that you also renamed the option "--no-recurse" to 
"--non-recursive", but the Description section
still mentions the former name:

      By default this is a recursive grep, unless you specify --no-recurse.


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