'bzr pack' should sync and delete obsolete-packs/*

Martin Albisetti argentina at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 22:33:01 GMT 2008

On Jan 18, 2008 8:19 PM, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> 'upgrade' is different. If you have 25 > 3GB branches in separate
> repositories the 'pack' code path is not being executed. You instead are
> seeing .bzr.backup as the problem :). And that we could conceivably do a
> bzr check after the upgrade and remove, though I am wary of removing the
> backup automatically; in the event of a silent failure it will be
> extremely useful, and check is quite slow.

I get the duplicate space usage from "repository/packs/" and
"repository/obsolete_packs/" (both 1.2gb).
I make sure I delete the .bzr.backup/ dir right after each upgrade already.

> > Of course, as Jam pointed out in IRC, I can delete the directory
> > manually, but I'd like to avoid touching anything under .bzr/
> You shouldn't have to.

I can't have a 40% increment in disk space usage just because I
upgrade to the latest format, and wait for a commit to auto-delete the
obsolete packs either. I don't have that much disk space available at
the moment (and it doesn't seem reasonable).


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