Traceback using "bzr log lp:bzr-email"

Andrew Bennetts andrew at
Fri Jan 18 00:30:20 GMT 2008

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> It seems the recent changes to the launchpad plugin to use a wrapper
> class have broken other behavior. Specifically when trying to do:
>   bzr log lp:bzr-email
> I get a traceback about ".clone()" not being implemented.
> I thought the wrapper triggered on get(), so I don't really understand
> how it is getting to a .clone() step.
> It might also be a different bug. Since it seems that
>   bzr log bzr+ssh://
> Is giving a "Not A Branch" error, whil
>   bzr log s
> seems to work just fine.

It's due to the smart client in sending "%7E" rather than "~" in the
relpaths it transmits.  I think the client should be sending UTF-8 rather than
URL-encoded.  I'll try to fix that today.


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