Issues with bazaar 1.1

Ingamells, David David.Ingamells at
Thu Jan 17 14:05:31 GMT 2008

I have recently started using bazaar on a Ubuntu Gutsy platform and have
encountered some problems:

1) I am using the Ubuntu Synaptic package manager in the way advised in
the bzr installation instructions for Ubuntu. I am not allowed to
install bzr-gtk (the latest available is 0.90) with bzr 1.x. It
complains that bzr-gtk requires bzr < 0.91~.

2) I have the following issues with bzr 1.1.

I am trying to write some tooling that uses the bzr command to manage a
task (aka change set) based system based on bzr's revisions with a
central "master" repository. Before allowing a user to perform a commit
with this tooling I want to do some quality checks to ensure that the
update builds with the latest updates from other developers that have
been already merged into the master repository. To do this I need to run
some bzr command that gives back a status to my script about missing
revisions and merge conflicts. I have been trying several commands and
find the following:

a) "bzr missing --quiet" is not quiet. It always prints a message even
with no missing revisions

b) The returning of a useful completion status is patchy with many

diff gives back a non-zero status if there are differences; this is well

documented in the reference manual - GOOD

missing does not give back a status - when compared with what diff does

should give a non-zero status if there are missing revisions 

(the number of revisions missing?) - NOT GOOD

resolve returns 1 if there are still conflicts - GOOD

status no non-zero status even if differences (compare this with diff) -

merge -force returns a non-zero status if there are conflicts - GOOD

pull returns 0 status even if there are merge conflicts. - NOT GOOD

conflicts does not return a non-zero status when there are conflicts -

The documentation is very scant about saying when and what return
statuses are used.

3)I can find no informational command like bzr missing or bzr conflicts
that does not do anything to the branch (bzr conflicts makes x.BASE
x.OTHER x.THIS files) except report the conflicts or missing revisions
AND return a status indicating that these do or do not exist. This could
easily be added as an option (e.g. --count) to avoid upsetting the
purists who say that a return status of non-zero indicates an error and
must not be used for anything else. But then bzr diff already does
return just the kind of status that I hoped the other commands would.

4) It would be wonderful to see the dry-run option released for bzr
merge that just shows what it would do to each file as has been
discussed at some length in the bazaar mailing list by Aaron Bentley and



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