Gitk for Bzr?

Andrew Bennetts andrew at
Wed Jan 16 01:44:00 GMT 2008

Martin Pool wrote:
> On 16/01/2008, Per Jonsson <per.jonsson at> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm thinking of switching from Git to Bzr. But first I need to know how
> > to make "bzr log" and "bzr viz" to show the changes associated with each
> > commit. With Git I use "git log -p" (CLI) or "gitk" (GUI).
> >
> > In "bzr viz" I can choose "View changes" for each commit. But that's so
> > tedious... I want the changes to be shown below the commit message just
> > like in Gitk.
> Hi,
> I believe that double-clicking the revision in the gui will give you
> this display.

In bzr viz, you can also click on the unlabelled magnifying glass button in the
“Relations” tab.  This lets you choose which parent to see the changes relative

> Maybe this could be made more obvious/discoverable/documented?

A small improvement might be to add a tooltip to that button.

I wonder if instead the UI should have a “Changes” tab that shows the diff (and
would also need radio buttons to choose which parent to diff against I guess)?
This would be a little more like the gitk screenshot.


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