[RFC] X.Y.Z dotted revnos

Kent Gibson warthog618 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 23:35:18 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Attached is a possible patch to our dotted revision number generator.
>> It isn't suitable for merging, because I have to track down all of the
>> tests that expected our old style numbers. For now, I'm going with
>> option "C'" from my previous email. Specifically, the numbering looks
>>    A1
>>     |\
>>    B2 C1.1.1 -------.
>>     | |      \       \
>>    D3 E1.1.2  F1.2.1  M1.4.1
>>     |/       /  |     |
>>    G4 H1.2.2  I1.3.1  N1.4.2
>>     |/       /        |
>>    J5 K1.3.2          O1.5.3
>>     |/               /
>>    L6 ,-------------'
>>     |/
>>    P7
The one shown here is option "D" from your previous mail.

And how come O is 1.5.3, not 1.4.3?

> In cleaning up the tests, I have found one place where the non-nested
> values differ.
>         Old        New
>  A        1        1
>  |        |        |
>  B-.        2-.        2-.
>  |\ \        |\ \        |\ \
>  | X C        | | 2.2.1    | | 2.1.1
>  | |/        | |/        | |/
>  | D        | 2.1.1        | 2.2.1
>  |/        |/        |/
>  E        3        3
> This happens because the existing code assigns the numbers as it
> traverses upwards, while the new code assigns them when it traverses
> downwards.
> I was originally hoping that the simple forms wouldn't change. And only
> when you would usually have more than 3 digits would there be any
> differences.
> However, looking at the graph, I can at least argue the new form is
> "more correct". Obviously C has to occur before D, because it is merged
> into D. Thus having it get a lower branch number makes logical sense.
> OTOH, D *is* closer to the mainline than C.
Just to clarify - this is a forced merge, with X representing
uncommited changes that C is being merged into, right?  If so your new
numbering makes more sense than the old.

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