[ANNOUNCE] bzr-svn 0.4.6

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Wed Jan 9 17:29:06 GMT 2008

On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 11:57:04AM -0500, Matt Nordhoff wrote:
> Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> <snip>

> > The release has been signed with my personal GPG key (1EEF5276) with
> > which I have also signed this e-mail.

> The e-mail is not signed.

> Your last one wasn't either, IIRC.
Whoops, I'll try to remember to sign it next time. I usually just copy
my previous email and replace a couple of things... problem is I don't
always send the announcement from a trusted machine, so I don't always
have access to my GPG key.

> Thunderbird's spell checker says your name is: "elmer Vernon's"
Adding Frisian to the list of languages in your spell checker should
fix that :-)


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>

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