Bug? Symlink between repos.
Forest Bond
forest at alittletooquiet.net
Mon Jan 7 14:40:23 GMT 2008
This is something of an edge case, but I've run into it many times due to the
fact that I keep parts of my home directory in a bzr repository. Basically, the
situation is this:
* Create repository A with file a. bzr init in B; bzr add a; bzr commit.
* Create directory B with symlink b linked to file Z. bzr init in B; bzr add b;
bzr commit.
* Remove symlink b and replace it with a symlink to file a.
* bzr commit b fails.
Changes can be committed to b's parent directory (B) instead, but this is not
convenient if there are other changes in that directory that should not yet be
Here's a real-world example:
09:24 fab at storm$ mkdir foo
09:24 fab at storm$ cd foo
09:24 fab at storm$ ls
09:24 fab at storm$ bzr init
09:24 fab at storm$ mkdir bar
09:24 fab at storm$ cd bar
09:24 fab at storm$ bzr init
09:24 fab at storm$ touch baz
09:24 fab at storm$ bzr add baz
added baz
09:24 fab at storm$ bzr commit -m 'Initial commit.'
Committing revision 1 to "/home/fab/bzr-test/foo/bar/".
added baz
Committed revision 1.
09:24 fab at storm$ cd ..
09:24 fab at storm$ bzr stat
09:25 fab at storm$ mkdir biz
09:25 fab at storm$ touch biz/buz
09:25 fab at storm$ ln -s biz/buz boink
09:25 fab at storm$ ls -lh
total 8.0K
drwxr-xr-x 3 fab fab 4.0K 2008-01-07 09:24 bar
drwxr-xr-x 2 fab fab 4.0K 2008-01-07 09:25 biz
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fab fab 7 2008-01-07 09:25 boink -> biz/buz
09:25 fab at storm$ bzr add boink
added boink
09:25 fab at storm$ bzr commit -m 'Initial commit.'
Committing revision 1 to "/home/fab/bzr-test/foo/".
added boink
Committed revision 1.
09:25 fab at storm$ rm boink
09:26 fab at storm$ ln -s bar/baz boink
09:26 fab at storm$ bzr stat
09:26 fab at storm$ bzr commit boink
bzr: ERROR: boink is not in the same branch as boink
Is this a bug, or is my use case outlandish?
P.S. The shell above is pretty heavily edited. Hope I didn't botch it.
Forest Bond
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