[MERGE] New 'development' format.

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Mon Jan 7 05:06:34 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> This is the new repository format I was alluding to.

> +We believe that we can continue to gain substantial performance benefits
> +by altering the repository storage in bzr. The more feedback we can get
> +on the changes during the development process the better.
> +
> +To make it possible to get more feedback we are going to expose the
> +current development formats to the users of our development trunk
> +'bzr.dev'. The technical details of the individual formats are at the
> +end of this document.

I am uncomfortable with this approach.

I feel that non-developers should not be playing with experimental
formats until they are proposed for becoming stable.

I will not work on development, because I do not want the additional
burden of providing an upgrade path.

> +If you are using ``bzr-svn`` or are testing the prototype subtree support,
> +you can still use and assist in testing the development formats. The
> +commands to use are identical to the ones given above except that the
> +name of the format to use is ``development-subtree``.

I am also uncomfortable with this.  If you want bzr-svn users doing
testing, then please provide a rich-root variant of development.

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