bzr ls and short option support

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at
Sat Jan 5 15:03:29 GMT 2008

Could you add to next version short options to the these. I find it
tedious to type the long ones.

  l = rel(l)ative or (l)ink


+ -l, --from-root       Print paths relative to the root of the branch.
+ -i, --ignored         Print ignored files.
+ -k, --kind=ARG        List entries of a particular kind: file, directory,
  -v, --verbose         Display more information.
  --versioned           Print versioned files.
+ -u, --unknown         Print unknown files.
  -h, --help            Show help message.
  -q, --quiet           Only display errors and warnings.
+ -n, --non-recursive   Don't recurse into subdirectories.
+ -b, --show-ids        Show internal object ids.
+ -0, --null            Write an ascii NUL (\0) separator between files rather
                        than a newline.
  -r ARG, --revision=ARG
                        See "help revisionspec" for details.

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