Deleting files?

Martin Pool mbp at
Sat Jan 5 00:37:27 GMT 2008

On 05/01/2008, Mike Mellor <alaskamike at> wrote:
> Is it possible for me to delete a working file, but keep it in (for
> lack of a better term) the repository?  For example, I want to be
> able to delete a file now, but be able to "undelete" it some time in
> the future.  The reason that I want to do this is to create a bzr
> repository on a firewire drive, check it out onto my laptop, and
> delete the files that I don't want now (while keeping them on the
> firewire drive).  I know I can do this with subversion, but I really
> enjoy working with bazaar more!

Hi Mike,

If you delete the files, they'll remain in the repository's history,
just like with svn.  You can then get them back with eg "revert -r
REVISION FILENAME", or if you like checking out the previous revision
to a different directory to copy them from there.


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