a thank-you gift for Bazaar 1.0 contributors

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Sat Jan 5 00:35:17 GMT 2008

As a small souvenir of the Bazaar 1.0 release, I'd like to give a
Bazaar T-shirt to each person who contributed to the release --
whether by code, documentation, QA or bug reporting, user support, or
in other ways.  (I don't mean contributions just in the last month of
1.0, but all previous releases leading up to it.)

The T-shirts are black with a Bazaar "merging" logo and should be
pretty nice material.

If you've been active in Bazaar, please mail me (off the list), your
shipping address and expected (European) T-shirt size (XS S, M, L, XL,

I realize this list is so busy not everybody reads everything, so
please remind people who might not notice.  I'll forward this
individually to everyone whose address I can find from commit logs or
the NEWS file.


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