Page BzrVsGit: Suggestions

Nicholas Allen allen at
Fri Jan 4 14:46:52 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

> Nicholas,
> I'm no Git expert either but I'm pretty sure you're right. Git
> gurus can probably hack together some magic pre-commit hook to get
> close to what we do, but that's not the same as 'Just Works'.
> "local commit + push" just isn't the same as "only commit if the
> commit succeeds on the remote branch first".
> It's very hard to explain this clearly but Bazaar is all about
> streamlining processes - the metadata we store and the file formats
>  needed are secondary issues. Other tools, Git in particular, seem
> to me to emphasise their data model over their process model. Of
> course, some developers really like that because they learn how
> tools/apps work by starting at the data layer. Personally, I think
> that's less useful than starting from the processes you want and
> heading down from there. Data ought to be a slave, not the master.
> As an analogy, I *can* manage my photos and music using a generic
> file manager but dedicated apps (F-Spot, Photshop Elements, Amorok,
> iTunes, etc.) - focussing on process models over data models - make
> for a far more enjoyable user experience and higher end user
> productivity. Bazaar is on the right path - we just need to get the
> word out about it and get there sooner.
Absolutely! That's why I love Bazaar! When I tried to learn git I
seemed to be learning too many low level things that to be honest I
didn't care about or even want to know about. I want the tool to just
work and do what I need not to complicate the process and provide more
opportunities for me to make mistakes.

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