What features of ConfigObj bzr actually used?

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at mattnordhoff.com
Fri Jan 4 09:19:39 GMT 2008

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Matt Nordhoff пишет:
>> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>>>> I just wonder what actually features of ConfigObj bzr used?
>>>> The main killer feature of ConfigObj IIUC is preserving config file
>>>> format. That's all bzr need? Or there is some other?
>>> I think the biggest thing that is used is write-support. It is nice that
>>> it preserves the files and comments and such. Probably people are used
>>> to that, so we wouldn't want to lose it.
>> I keep my locations.conf nicely formatted and commented, so I'd really
>> hate to lose that.
> Do you using inline comments? I.e. something like:
> name = value  # comment

Uhhhm, no, not yet. Too many long URLs to fit them.

I do have comments in the middle of sections, but they're all alone on


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