1.1 roadmap: rc 4 Jan, final 11 Jan

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Thu Jan 3 22:58:19 GMT 2008

I'm planning to make a 1.1rc1 release this afternoon, the 4th of
January, and the final next Friday.  1.1 already has 193 lines of
changelog bugs, improvements and optimizations since 1.0, which is
pretty amazing.

I'd really like to coordinate getting debs (various Ubuntu releases
and Debian) built early next week so that people who only install from
packages will have a chance to test and get feedback.  I think we have
a reasonable understanding from dato and others of how this will

As ever, if there's things you think are needed for 1.1 rc or final,
please step up to do them, or point them out now.


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