should journal fragments include the journal parameters

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Jan 3 22:23:39 GMT 2008

Robert Collins wrote:
> There are two parameters to a journal:
>  versioned_root
>  tree_references
> I'm wondering whether to write these into each journal entry, or just
> check for data sanity against the journal's settings when parsing.
> The former means we can catch bulk-coping from a repository that does
> not support rich roots to one that does, but the latter allows us to
> keep the serialised form of commits that do not alter the root when
> converting - only the start of delta chains will need reserialisation.
> -Rob

I feel like I need more context to be able to answer this correctly. At
a minimum, though, why couldn't you just stick a single line or two
before the existing data, rather than "reserializing" the whole thing.


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