[MERGE] new merge-type=lca
Andrew Bennetts
andrew at canonical.com
Thu Jan 3 06:47:26 GMT 2008
Aaron Bentley wrote:
> > I wonder if this merge is good enough that we don't need to warn users that
> > we've detected a criss-cross when merging?
> In the case of criss-cross, they will sometimes see their merge
> resolutions shown as conflicts with alternative resolutions of the same
> conflict (this is what the 'conflicted-a' / 'conflicted-b' lines do).
> So I *think* that it still makes sense to warn them that the merge may
> be a little weirder than normal. What do you think?
I guess we should see what the user feedback (ourselves included) is like.
> > It's tangential to your change, so don't feel that you need to do this to get my
> > approval for lca-merge, but some explanatory comments for this functional would
> > be extremely helpful.
> Here's the explanation I'm planning to put:
> """Remove changes from new_plan that came from old_plan.
> It is assumed that the difference between the old_plan and new_plan
> is their choice of 'b' text.
> All lines from new_plan that differ from old_plan are emitted
> verbatim. All lines from new_plan that match old_plan but are
> not about the 'b' revision are emitted verbatim.
> Lines that match and are about the 'b' revision are the lines we
> don't want, so we convert 'killed-b' -> 'unchanged', and 'new-b'
> is skipped entirely.
> """
> I don't feel like that explanation's crystal clear, but it's the best
> I've been able to come up with. What do you think?
I think that's great, actually!
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