[MERGE] New 'development' format.
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Jan 2 22:35:06 GMT 2008
This is the new repository format I was alluding to.
This patch sets up a development and development-subtree alias that
users can use to access our current development format (whatever that
may be) and provides documentation and guideliness for making format
changes so we can issue multiple small changes during a development
cycle. It's likely missing bits here and there, but this is a step up
from what we had :).
I'm now going to go write a bunch of inventory representation code,
which needs to be done before I can send a patch for Development1
format, which will dump the xml. (Or if Aaron's mp diff stuff is agreed
on as the delta format of choice, I guess I'll be sending in
Development2 :)).
GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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