
Toni Mueller support at oeko.net
Wed Dec 19 08:51:33 GMT 2007

Hi Martin,

On Tue, 18.12.2007 at 09:39:08 +1100, Martin Pool <mbp at sourcefrog.net> wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2007 8:37 PM, Toni Mueller <support at oeko.net> wrote:
> > [ uninstall... ]
> Yes, I think that is missing from the setup.py framework (which is
> standard in Python, we didn't write it.)

I didn't say that you did, but it's still missing, then.

> What OS are you using?  You may be better off using eg a .deb package on Ubuntu.

I'm using both Debian and OpenBSD, maybe other systems as well, and one
of the reasons why I chose bazaar in the first place was that it's
comparably easily deployed across a variety of platforms.

Waiting for platform specific packages to catch up is often not an
option for me, and I also want to keep them in sync if I can.

> For an upgrade, I think it will work to just run setup.py install from
> the new version.

Thanks, that's what other people suggested, too, but as said, I opted
to remove the old installation (once I figured out where it was) before
I tried that, in order to avoid having stale files messing up the new


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