[MERGE] [1.0] Move material out of User Guide into User Reference

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Tue Dec 11 16:47:07 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Aaron Bentley пишет:
>> No.  I think that bzr_man.txt is very inconvenient to use.  For
>> commandline help, "bzr help" is much nicer, because it allows you to
>> quickly get to the information you're looking for.  For other
>> documentation, having it broken down into separate files is much nicer,
>> because it makes it easy to get just the information you're looking for.
> Your requirements is mutually antithetic for me. You said you want to
> read plain text documentation in the favorite editor, that's why you
> don't want to read these topics in the console. But when I propose
> creating complete manual in the text format you said you prefer read
> help topics and help for commands in the console.

I like "bzr help" for information about commands.  For topics, I would
rather use an editor.  In any case, I have never professed a love for
monolithic text files, and that is my main objection to bzr_man.txt.

I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense to you, but it makes a lot of sense
to me.

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