bazaar 1.0rc2
Martin Pool
mbp at
Fri Dec 7 07:44:20 GMT 2007
We've made another 1.0 release candidate, and are seeking further
review and testing. In particular testing across platforms would be
very welcome now.
dfdb63598844daa593b6a13bd6d54f373bc0999c *bzr-1.0rc2.tar.gz
This one is based on as most changes have been merged into
there rather than 1.0 specifically, and it does not seem to contain
anything risky. However, beyond this point we're definitely going to
go just from the separate branch.
We still have some good optimization and documentation fixes queued up
or in review. I'd like to make a further rc based on them early next
week, and beyond that have a strong code freeze. I'm thinking there
of the various speed improvements by John, Vincent's http readv fix,
Andrew's remote repository fix, and doc changes. But, beyond things
that are already in review, we should be very selective about what can
be targetted, and looking to do most fixes in 1.1.
Changes since the last candidate are:
bzr 1.0rc2 2007-12-07
* Added a --coverage option to selftest. (Andrew Bennetts)
* ``bzr commit`` now doesn't print the revision number twice. (Matt
Nordhoff, #172612)
* New configuration option ``bugtracker_<tracker_abbrevation>_url`` to
define locations of bug trackers that are not directly supported by
bzr or a plugin. The URL will be treated as a template and ``{id}``
placeholders will be replaced by specific bug IDs. (Lukáš Lalinský)
* Support logging single merge revisions with short and line log formatters.
(Kent Gibson)
* User Guide enhanced with suggested readability improvements from
Matt Revell and corrections from John Arbash Meinel. (Ian Clatworthy)
* Quick Start Guide renamed to Quick Start Card, moved down in
the catalog, provided in pdf and png format and updated to refer
to ``send`` instead of ``bundle``. (Ian Clatworthy, #165080)
* ``switch`` can now be used on heavyweight checkouts as well as
lightweight ones. After switching a heavyweight checkout, the
local branch is a mirror/cache of the new bound branch and
uncommitted changes in the working tree are merged. As a safety
check, if there are local commits in a checkout which have not
been committed to the previously bound branch, then ``switch``
fails unless the ``--force`` option is given. This option is
now also required if the branch a lightweight checkout is pointing
to has been moved. (Ian Clatworthy)
* New -Dhttp debug option reports http connections, requests and responses.
(Vincent Ladeuil)
* New -Dmerge debug option, which emits merge plans for merge-type=weave.
* Better error message when running ``bzr cat`` on a non-existant branch.
(Lukáš Lalinský, #133782)
* Catch OSError 17 (file exists) in final phase of tree transform and show
filename to user.
(Alexander Belchenko, #111758)
* Catch ShortReadvErrors while using pycurl. Also make readv more robust by
allowing multiple GET requests to be issued if too many ranges are
(Vincent Ladeuil, #172701)
* Check for missing basis texts when fetching from packs to packs.
(John Arbash Meinel, #165290)
* Fall back to showing e-mail in ``log --short/--line`` if the
committer/author has
only e-mail. (Lukáš Lalinský, #157026)
* Deprecate not passing a ``location`` argument to commit reporters'
``started`` methods. (Matt Nordhoff)
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