Call for volunteers - improved installation experience on OS X, Windows, Linux/Unix

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Fri Dec 7 00:31:55 GMT 2007

I got as far as learning how to use the package creator that apple  
provides, and created a small bzr package from the bzr tar file. I  
then downloaded svn and bzr-svn and started on that. And that's as far  
as I got.

I think I will spend some time on this on Sunday.

I'll get back to you.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2007 dec 6, at 18.31, Szilveszter Farkas <szilveszter.farkas at 
 > wrote:

>> I really would love if we would have an installer that included bzr,
>> bzr-svn, bzr-tools and some other nice plugins.  This is what I
>> started to do, but I have no objection for someone else to do it. I
>> can't promise that I'll get around to it for 1.0.  But I would LOOOVE
>> to see a one click installer that installs all of it.
> I don't really want to duplicate efforts, so if you have started  
> working
> on an installer and cannot promise to get around to it for 1.0, then  
> it
> would be cool to share somehow the current progress of your work: how
> far you've come, what's still missing, where could people like me  
> help, etc.
> Regards,
> Szilveszter

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