Branching 'hanging'... no CPU activity, no net IO, no disk IO...

Talden talden at
Tue Dec 4 00:22:33 GMT 2007

> We'll do what we can. It should be on some form of "Transferring" phase, do you
> know what stage it was in?

Well, I had run these attempts several times over the past few days
with the 'hanging' being in much the same place every time.  Several
times I left the process in its seemingly hung state for hours at a

Today however things are different, the branching executed
successfully. It did take about 90 minutes to generate about 75MB of
files though (65MB repo, 10MB working copy).

About 60 minutes of that 90 minute period had very little network
activity and only 1-5% CPU usage.

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