Trying to get Invalid http response

Vincent Vertigo vincent.vertigo at
Thu Nov 29 09:06:35 GMT 2007


To conclude on this: I tried again from home yesterday evening and (as
expected) could not reproduce the error.
However, it was the first time I retrieved and noticed it takes
quite some time, which is why I suspect my connection issues were caused by
my company's network configuration. It is just that the error message is
confusing (though I do not know if it could be more 'new user' friendly).

As for the error message I got when trying to get from bzr0.91, the
exact message was:
UnknownFormatError: Unknown branch format: 'Bazaar pack repository format 1
(needs bzr 0.92)'
Clear enough for any user to understand, congratulations on that one.


2007/11/29, Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at>:
> >>>>> "martin" == Martin Pool <mbp at> writes:
>     martin> On Nov 29, 2007 3:50 AM, John Arbash Meinel <
> john at> wrote:
>     >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
>     >> Hash: SHA1
>     >>
>     >> Vincent Vertigo wrote:
>     >> > And by the way, I am using bzr0.92 to do this.
>     >> > (I was using 0.91 until an error about knitpack format "forced"
> me to
>     >> > retry with bzr0.92)
> Look at your .bzr.log file and please post appropriate parts,
> that should help us understand what happens.
>     >> >
>     >>
>     >> Sounds a bit fishy. Robert did upgrade the branch to packs, which
> means you
>     >> need at least 0.92 to read it.
>     >>
>     >> There are a few possibilities:
>     >>
>     >> 1) Make sure you can get to:
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> However, if you are getting far enough to get to *.pack, then bzr
> should have
>     >> been able to get to it.
>     >>
>     >> 2) I'm guessing it is complaining because of a partial range
> request on that
>     >> file. We fixed a small bug about this in (so that we issue
> fewer ranges).
>     >>
>     >> I'm very surprised to see it be 503: Service Unavailable.
>     >> But it may be that a proxy is falling over because of a complicated
> range
>     >> request, and giving 503 rather than a better error code.
>     martin> I had a look at the logs on that server, and in the
>     martin> last 4 days apache did not log any 503 errors.  So it
>     martin> seems most likely that the error was returned by an
>     martin> intermediate proxy server, possibly because our range
>     martin> request was too complicated, or possibly because of
>     martin> some error on that machine not related to the
>     martin> request.  It's conceivable there was an error on
>     martin> severe enough to not be logged, I
>     martin> suppose.
>     martin> This kind of error would probably ideally be handled
>     martin> by printing a warning, waiting a bit, and retrying...
> Except for the 'waiting a bit' that's what we do (by the time we
> get the error, one can even argue that in fact we have already
> wait), I agree about printing (as opposed to write it to the log
> as we do now) the warning and we should also mention the file
> involved.
>         Vincent
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